Learning Techniques

July 1, 2024

Summary of different learning techniques to boost capacity for learning.

Active Learning, Spaced Repetition, Mind Mapping, Self-Testing, Active Recall, Note-taking, Practice and Application, Mnemonics, Interleaved Practice, Group Study, Pomodoro, Growth Mindset, No Multitasking, Minimizing Distractions, Time Management, Cheat Sheets

Active Learning

Involves engaging actively with the material rather than passively consuming it. It often includes activities such as discussions, problem-solving, and practical application of knowledge.

Cornell Teaching: Active Learning

Spaced Repetition

Spaced repetition is the act of learning and then reviewing at spaced intervals, preferably with increasing intervals between them.

1-3-7-14: Review day 1 (right after learning), then 3, then 7 and 14 from when you start.
Tools: Mochi cards - My favorite!, Anki Flashcards, Paper notecards - My second favorite, Dry erase note cards

Mind Mapping

A visual technique that helps organize information hierarchically using diagrams, with key concepts branching out into related subtopics. It aids in understanding relationships between ideas and enhances memory retention.

Better memory and recall, Better creativity, Better connections between concepts

The science of mind mapping: a visual way to make sense of the world


Reinforces learning by identifying areas of weakness that require further review.

Active Recall

Strengthens memory by actively engaging the brain in recalling information.


Effective note-taking helps organize information, aids in comprehension, and provides a useful resource for review.

Practice and Application

Enhances understanding and reinforces learning by demonstrating how theoretical knowledge can be put into practice.


Techniques or strategies used to improve memory retention by associating information with easier-to-remember cues or patterns. Examples include acronyms, rhymes, and visual imagery.

Interleaved Practice

Alternating between different topics or types of problems during study sessions. It enhances learning by promoting varied practice and improving retention compared to massed practice on a single topic.

Group Study

Collaborative learning where students work together to review material, discuss concepts, and solve problems. It facilitates peer teaching, diverse perspectives, and social reinforcement of learning.


A time management method where study or work is divided into intervals (typically 25 minutes) separated by short breaks. It helps maintain focus and productivity by breaking tasks into manageable segments.

Growth Mindset

The belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through effort, perseverance, and learning. It encourages resilience, learning from failures, and embracing challenges.

No Multitasking

Enhances concentration, reduces errors, and improves productivity and learning outcomes.

Minimizing Distractions

Removing distractions to maintain focus and concentration.

Time Management

Techniques and strategies for effectively allocating and prioritizing time for study, work, and other activities. It involves setting goals, creating schedules, and minimizing procrastination.

Cheat Sheets

Concise summaries or reference sheets containing key information or formulas. They serve as quick guides for review and are often used for last-minute preparation before exams or assessments.

Learning Techniques - July 1, 2024 - Rajlaxmi